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    Top 5 WMS Technologies Shaping Supply Chain Management

    Authored by: Jawad Ul Hassan



    Cloud being Supreme in WMS

    Cloud became the center of intention for all problems as a go-to solution in tech firms. So, as we know, the cloud helps resolve the data-storage issue in WMS & Supply Chain Management.  Cloud is evolving in WMS at an amazing pace. By now more than 50 percent of the processes related to the supply chain exist in the cloud and still, all other remaining companies are migrating their systems with this technology to be more flexible. For effective management, this migration speed will keep pushing all supply chains to adopt a platform-based approach. Another important feature of the cloud is enhanced cyber security which attracts the companies related to WMS to avoid risks and storage issues.

    Workload Reduction using Robots and Automation

    The physical strain on workers and supply chain processes will keep getting reduced with robotics and automation. These robots and automation will make it possible to replace the labor demands related to pickers. The automated packing & shipping using a robotic system will take warehousing to the forefront of the tech world. Also, the IoT will increase the flexibility of several devices to come online including wearables for the reduction of cost, risk, and problems in warehouses and factories. Human labor is not as active and effective as robots in progress related to seamless order fulfillment with an activity of 24/7 and will be more cost-effective.

    WMS Enhancement through Order Steaming, Slotting and Picking Technologies

    The existing and upcoming technologies for both picking and slotting in the order stream, will take each order down in terms of time to stock and pick. This will allow the enterprises to increase their productivity level even without leveling up their overhead. And this will be great for other parts of the supply chain in both investment opportunities and benefits. For example, the amount saved from the warehouse system gives an edge to use that amount as a fund for the up-gradation of fleets, services, or any other necessity.

    Risk Reductions in Supply Chain by implementing EOMS, WMOS, Labor & Yard Management

    The warehouse management open systems, warehouse execution systems, and enterprise order management systems will make a wide integration system that will be more flexible, feasible, and easily accessible & manageable. The management related to Yard and Labor will also be beneficial for the warehouses, transporters as well as vendors, seeking maximum efficiency in all operations.

    Improved Accuracy & Error free Inventory Management

    For a responsive and spontaneous system in the warehouse management world, automation, IoT and Big Data will lead together. The advancement in data analysis, more information generated through more processing as compared to the total information gathered by humans in history, and the power of cloud-based computing, this all will take WMS to forth new technologies and prospects that will improve the supply chain standards and will provide us with some best practices.

    Categories: Supply Chain Warehouse Management WMS Products and Services

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