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    Covid-19 Survival Guide: Staying Productive from Home is Possible

    Authored by: Monique Ahmad

    Covid-19 has changed the way we function as a society, but thankfully technology gives us the tools to keep things going.

    The rapid spread of Covid-19 is creating a general state of fear and panic in the world, but it doesn’t have to. We can work together to make adjustments in our daily life to keep calm. Staying productive is key for mental health and for supporting our society. Many businesses have found a way to transfer their offices to a virtual setting. For those of us fortunate enough to continue our work remotely, here are some tips to stay productive while working from home.

    1.Set your Alarm: Don’t sleep in. It’s tempting, but you will throw your entire routine off. The goal is to try and recreate your normal routine as much as possible. So, set your alarm to the time you would usually wake up for work and get going on time!

    2.Dress the Part: Wake up and get dressed! This simple step will set the mood and help you get in the zone. Though staying in your pajamas is cozy and comfortable, it isn’t going to make you productive. Before you know it, it’ll be 4 pm and your co-workers will be sending you messages asking for work that isn’t complete. Looking the part, will help you play the part.

    3.Set the Mood: Working from home can mean an endless amount of distractions. Family, chores, T.V., the distractions are endless. Find a place where it’s just you and your laptop (or whatever you use to work). Find a place where people aren’t talking and distractions are limited. Avoid working in your bedroom, the bed will call your name and when that mid-afternoon laze kicks in, you will be lured in. If you have enough space in your house, find a couple of good spots, when you feel exhausted from sitting in one place, a change in setting can re-energize you.

    4.No Phones Allowed: Yes, that’s right, put that phone away. A phone is the biggest distraction of all that it needs it’s own section. You know it, I know, we all know it. If left unsupervised with your phone, you will find you self-watching a completely video chain on Instagram. The further away you are from your phone, the better. Put it in a drawer and out of site. Try to keep all work-related communication on your computer so, that you can stay as far away from phone as possible.

    5.Put it on Paper: When you sit down in your perfect home office setting, plan your day. This is a general rule to keep productive, but it is essential when working from home. Putting it down on paper will help you visualize your day and keep you on schedule.

    6.Take Breaks: In the office you may talk to your co-workers every now and then, grab a cup of coffee or take a bathroom break. Do the same at home! Every hour or so take a 5 minutes break. Talk to someone, go for a walk, have a snack, give your brain a break!

    7.Meet Virtually: Create a virtual check-point with your team. It will keep you and your team accountable. Setup a daily call, even if just for 5 minutes, to check in on each other’s work.

    With just a few adjustments, we can stay safe and productive! As a leader, try to find a way to work remotely and share these tips with your team to keep your business going.

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