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    2021 Application Development Trends

    Authored by: Monique Ahmad
    Applications are everywhere from applications for online banking to games to keeping track of daily tasks. Businesses use mobile applications to make communication and access to their products simpler; While using web applications to give greater cloud capabilities beyond a device's local offerings. In application development, you may find yourself competing with similar organizations, but staying on top of the latest developments helps give you an advantage. Here are the most recent application development trends to help your business better serve its audience: Blockchain Technology – Most banks and financial institutions offer account access via mobile phones. More than other applications, it is essential to keep customer data secure, which can be done via blockchains. Blockchain solutions have been traditionally only seen in the financial industry but are now being offered to the businesses industry by Microsoft. Nothing builds trust like giving your customers security, which is exactly what this trend aims to do ( Adding this feature makes it one step easier to ensure to your customers that their information is safe while they use your application.   IoT (Internet of Things) Integration – Who doesn’t want optimized accessibility and convince? Especially when they know it’s being offered in so many different ways! Giving your customers quick access to their devices from their mobiles offers them flexibility and control. Remote access is a very common trend that attracts customer’s attention. Alexa and Google Home are companies that have done great with this. By utilizing the IoT, you can create a mobile application that integrates with your product to allow users to access and manipulate your product remotely ( From regulating your home's temperature to locking your doors, there are applications and solutions that work together to make this happen. Chatbots - “The global chatbot market is growing at 24% each year.” ( The list of benefits is very long, but you know that. Chatbots are more human-like and accurate than ever before. Chatbots are much easier to integrate with your website or social media platforms as well. It saves money, manpower and offers your customers instant assistance with their concerns. There's no reason not to adopt a chatbot if it can better communicate with your customers ( 5G Compatibility: 5G networks are expanding rapidly providing more speed and traffic capacity. Give your audience the most up-to-date and modern experience by ensuring that your applications are fully functional in 5G. Doing this will help you stay at the same speed as your customers. If a customer becomes adept to using 5G, they will not enjoy an application that does not fully leverage such capabilities so make sure your application is up to date ( There are options to build templated applications that give your customers the information they need, but the market is overflowing with applications and the competition is high. Building a custom application gives you the flexibility to bring an experience to your customers that will help you stand out. You can incorporate existing trends, while also keeping in mind upcoming trends. Allow Smart IS to develop a custom web or mobile application that meets your customer’s needs and offers them an optimized and up to date experience! Source:
    Categories: Cloud & Tech Services Technology Trends

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