JDA/BY WMS has always been rich with functionality and remained cutting edge, attempting to outpace the competition in features and functionality. However, any focus on providing easy access to the rich data it gathers on the user performance, WMS throughput, potential backlogs etc. was never in the plan. JDA/BY’s solution for easy access to the data for its users was DDA (Data Driven Application). DDAs offer a quick view of the data on one’s screen; If one can write an SQL for one’s data, one can view that on a screen and share it with other users.
In the meantime, we see technology taking leaps and bound, where the user community is increasingly getting engrossed in their smartphones.
As an example, we can see that just in the last ten years, on-line banking went mainstream, with more users accessing their banks through smart phones. Mobile check deposit is a common practice now. This leap in smart-phone usage, however, did not include the JDA/BY WMS users. These users up till the launch of the 2017 version were still tethered to their desktop on a fat client footprint. The smart-phone mobility that is becoming commonplace outside, is not the case inside the warehouse.
Metron to the Rescue!
The Metron App from Smart IS solves this mobility issues in two ways: 1) An app for hand-held devices that can render any DDA without any new development, and 2) Make the experience as seamless as possible, by not adding to the learning curve of the user.

The user can interact with the DDA on their smart hand-held device, in the same manner as they do at their workstations: Click on a column and the sorting order changes; Drag a column around to change the display order of the columns; Save a grid view for later viewing in the same manner; Long click on a column to group by that column and see summarized numeric values; Bring up a menu to easily chart the grid data and much more.
Metron transforms the user experience by providing them access to their much-needed data in their hands and at the same time ensuring that there remains only one version of the truth. The data they see on their hand-held is the same data they would see on their desktop. The query happens in real-time and data is presented in real-time. Furthermore, if a DDA is created to make any corrective action, the Metron application can perform the same action. This gives the supervisors the capability to perform corrective actions while on the floor and not have to travel back to their workstations to accomplish it.
In conclusion
The Metron App is for JDA/BY WMS, what a banking app is for your bank. Just as the banking app on your phone transformed your banking experience, Smart IS hopes that Metron App will transform your JDA/BY WMS experience.
Take your JDA/BY WMS Application, Anywhere, Anytime, with Metron. Welcome to breaking free.